Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Angeline F. Cruikshank Kerr in Her Husband's Will

“I give and bequeath to my beloved wife Angeline F. Kerr one thousand dollars…to be paid her as soon after my decease as convenient."

“Also I give and bequeath unto my beloved wife Angeline F. Kerr my mansion house and lot in which I now reside situate in the Borough of Blairsville for her own use and occupancy and also all my goods and chattels consisting of beds furniture etc during her natural life or so long as she remains my widow which ever may first occur and at her death or marriage my property and goods and chattels to go or revert to my estate for the benefit of my heirs hereinafter named”

When her husband John Kerr died in 1880, Angeline F. (Cruikshank) Kerr, pictured here, received $1,000 from his estate, equal to about $24,000 in 2015 dollars.

She was also left the use of her home and furniture during her lifetime—unless she remarried. Women in the 19th-century typically had little control of property.

Angeline Cruikshank Kerr is the 3rd-great-grandmother of Elizabeth K. (Elizabeth – Kenneth – Kenneth – Charles Marchen Kerr (1884-1961) – Milton C. Kerr (1856-1926) – Angeline F. Cruikshank (1821-1904))

Note: The Kerrs owned property on the east side of Walnut Street in Blairsville, Pennsylvania, in the area of what is today Charley Park. Their “mansion house,” which was on the 5th lot above North Street, is probably still standing. Many old houses are visible there using Google Maps Street View.

Further information:

Quotes from the Will of John F. Kerr, 1879. Indiana County   Pennsylvania, Index of Wills 1803-1900, page5-003. Shared by user “Amanda May” on

More information regarding women and property rights:

Relative monetary value calculated at

Monday, November 28, 2016

Joseph Sherer, Delegate to the Pennsylvania Constitutional Convention

Joseph Sherer was born in Ireland. His family emigrated to America when he was about 3 years old. Joseph was educated and wealthy.

Joseph was chosen by popular vote to be a member of the Constitutional Convention of Pennsylvania. Unfortunately, he took sick at the convention and passed away within a few months. He did, however, survive long enough to see Pennsylvania’s new constitution ratified.

The image is a page of Pennsylvania’s 1776 constitution.

Joseph Sherer is the 6th-great grandfather of Elizabeth K. 
(Elizabeth – Kenneth – LaMila – Lawrence Hoffmaster – Olive Mayberry – Hannah Kiddoo – Mary Sherer – Richard Sherer – Joseph Sherer)

Links for more information:

Joseph’s vital and family information:

Joseph’s background, attended convention: 

Joseph’s background; Chosen by vote to attend convention, took ill, died: 

Convention included Benjamin Franklin, ratification date: 

Picture of the Pennsylvania constitution: 

Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Dirk Winkel's Immigration

Dirk and his family took passage on the WA Scholten, a steamship launched in 1874. The WA Scholten traveled a regular route from Rotterdam, Netherlands to New York, USA. Dirk’s family paid for third-class, or steerage, tickets.

The Winkels sailed in June 1886. The following year, the WA Scholten encountered heavy fog one evening and collided with another steamer. The WA Scholten received an eight-foot hole and sank quickly. Two-thirds of her passengers perished.

Dirk (AKA Dick) Winkel is the father of Rosella (Winkel) Erickson.

Further Reading:

Passenger list:, New York, Passenger Lists, 1820-1957, Year: 1886; Arrival: New York, New York; Microfilm Serial: M237, 1820-1897; Microfilm Roll: Roll 495; Line: 22; List Number: 679

Picture: the W. A. Scholten, 1874, Description: Nederlands: Nederlandsch Amerikaansche Stoomvaart Mij. Stoomschip W.A. Scholten en P. Caland, affiche uit 1874,_1874.jpg